Between the Numbers Spring 2021

  • Firm News
June 29, 2021

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Grow. Preserve. Succeed.

Welcome to Bateman MacKay’s Spring 2021 edition of Between the Numbers. Our quarterly newsletter keeps you up to date with all topics Accounting, Tax and Firm Related.

Had a great experience with a member of the Bateman MacKay team lately? Let us know!

Access our COIVD-19 Federal Support Quick Reference Guide for everything you need to know about these vital programs for businesses and individuals, including the new Canada Recovery Hiring Program.

2021 Federal Budget Implications for Business Owners and Individuals

The first budget in two years included items like Federal COVID-19 Support for businesses, more information on the digital services tax plan and a national childcare program outline.

Significant Changes to 2021 Trust Reporting Requirements

The Federal Government has proposed significant changes to trust-reporting requirements. These changes require many trustees, who may have never been required to file a tax return, to now do so.

We ranked 17th on the 2021 List of Best Workplaces in Canada!

For the second time in three years, Bateman MacKay LLP has been named a Best Workplace in Canada. We are especially excited to be the only CPA Firm on the list.

Partner Oscar Torres gave a compelling and instructive presentation on Doing Business in Canada for Enterprise Ireland.
We were awarded the Platinum Award for Best Accountant and Best Accounting Firm by Oakville Community Votes.
Our tax experts presented to the Chartered Institute of Management Accountants, expertly navigating COVID-19 support programs and tax changes.
Our annual Post Tax Season Party was a virtual blast! It included some fierce competition with Virtual Office Olympics and a hilarious comedy show.